Soundings Connect Boosts Industry Freelancers
MEETINGS MAGS // Freelancing has become a new ball game since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, as many companies cannot afford to keep full-time positions, but still need those tasks completed. Although many more professionals have had to join the freelancing community since March, Tracy Judge had the passion for the freelancing community two years ago–long before the pandemic hit–and founded her company Soundings Connect in order to directly connect meetings and events industry freelancers with customers.
Trade Shows And Exhibitions In The Post-COVID-19 Era
FORBES // Since March, the world has wondered when we can return to normal, including the tradeshows and exhibitions we’ve attended in the past—the way we’ve attended them in the past. It may be a while. While social distancing and proper health hygiene—which includes wearing a mask—can allow some people in the door, the days of crowded trade show floors are so 2019. It may be a year or two—hopefully not longer—before we see those crowded aisles again.
Leading with Inclusion: Furthering the Conversation About Diversity + Inclusion in the Hospitality + Events Industry
REVIVE + INNOVATE // Over the past month, the national conversation has centered around the harmful effects of racial injustice and systemic racism in the United States. As the meetings and events industry continues to move forward and recalibrate in response to the pandemic, this moment implores everyone in our industry to carefully examine and improve their diversity and inclusion practices.
The Safety Dance: Navigating Health and Safety for Events in a COVID World
REVIVE + INNOVATE BLOG || Like their hotels and venue partners, meeting and event industry organizations have also been rolling out initiatives to tackle health and safety concerns. As new information regarding COVID-19 becomes available, meeting and event industry professionals can access these resources as they navigate evolving government guidelines and establish new health and safety best practices. What’s more, these resources can be used to inform, educate and increase communication between stakeholders.
The New Hybrid
Virtual will never replace face-to-face events, but hybrid events are definitely here to stay. While we’re unable to travel, we’re turning to virtual events as a short-term solution for suspended live events. When it’s safe to travel again, we predict hybrid events will be the norm.
Envision the Future of Meetings + Events
We are excited to announce the launch of Soundings Connect’s new virtual event series, Revive + Innovate. We believe the only way forward is together. Let’s leverage our collective wealth of leadership and event knowledge to solve current challenges and create opportunities for the future.
Planning a webinar or virtual event? Here’s why we love Intrado.
Due to over anticipation of demand and under-delivery in terms of customer engagement, we’re still learning how to leverage virtual events to best serve everyone. At Soundings Connect, we’re highly impressed by Intrado’s increasingly sophisticated and interactive suite of cloud-based webcasting and virtual event solutions.
Meetings Gone Virtual
Like most of the events world, Soundings Connect has been leaning on digital platforms that are designed to bring people together virtually. While we’re unable to meet in person, online tools give us the opportunity to create web-based experiences that help us build and maintain professional relationships and communities, especially as we pivot in response to rapid changes in business.
Soundings for Freelancers!
It’s everyone’s favorite time of the year again…tax season! Instead of looking back on the past year (I am sure you are spending enough time on that as you prepare to file) I asked my tax accountant Jessica Estrada, Tax Partner at PacWest Accounting, to share some advice on how to prepare for the future.