Elizabeth Sage, MBA, CMP
Head of Education - SITE
Certified Personal Coach - Elizsage Coaching
Elizabeth Sage is a certified personal coach, accomplished event strategist, educator, and speaker. With a passion for crafting unforgettable experiences that foster transformative connections, she excels in innovative problem-solving, encouraging exploration of the "why" and "what if" in every scenario. Her unique superpowers include expertly connecting dots and offering fresh perspectives that uncover angles often overlooked by others. Elizabeth is known for asking insightful and thought-provoking questions that inspire growth and learning.
Currently, Elizabeth holds the role of Head of Education and Content at the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE). She also serves as adjunct faculty at SDSU, where she teaches Data-Driven Decision Making in the Meeting and Event Management Masters program. Beyond her professional pursuits, Elizabeth extends her expertise to coaching, empowering event professionals to navigate the complexities of their careers with purpose. She also provides support to those balancing parenthood and a successful career. To her family and friends, Elizabeth is a fitness enthusiast, an avid reader and podcast listener, and a dedicated advocate for deep, meaningful conversations. Above all, she is actively working to be a positive and authentic role model for her two tween daughters.