Empower Your Middle Managers & Future Leaders with a Strengths-Based Career Journey

At Soundings, we specialize in transforming middle managers and aspiring leaders into dynamic, strengths-based leaders, setting the stage for professional growth and organizational success. Our suite of career development solutions is meticulously designed to unlock the potential of your teams, fostering growth mindset, thriving leadership, and strategic career advancement.

  • Kickstart your team members’ journey to leadership excellence with our 90-minute coaching session. Utilizing the Gallup Top 5 Strengths assessment, we provide a personalized exploration of individual strengths, equipping your team members with the insights needed for career advancement and fulfillment.

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  • Tailored to foster continuous personal and professional growth, our coaching packages delve deeper into strengths application, offering follow-up sessions, goal-specific coaching, and comprehensive development packages. Designed to meet the diverse needs of your middle managers and future leaders, these sessions ensure sustained growth, enhanced performance, and alignment with organizational goals.

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  • Elevate your team members’ leadership capabilities with our Group Leadership Coaching Program. This unique blend of peer collaboration, expert coaching, and practical application creates a thriving community of leaders within your organization. By focusing on real-world challenges and leadership best practices, we prepare your team members for advanced roles, enhancing their ability to lead with confidence and creativity.

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  • Transform your internal teams with our "Leading with Strengths" workshop. By aligning individual strengths with team objectives, we optimize team performance, enhance collaboration and trust, and drive positive organizational transformation. This workshop is an invaluable resource for fostering a culture of synergistic teamwork and leadership growth.

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1:1 Strengths-Based Career Coaching for Individual Team Members

Building on the initial strengths assessment, Soundings offers a range of 1:1 coaching packages designed to deepen employees' engagement with their strengths, driving career excellence and fulfillment. These packages provide a structured path for personal and professional development, with the flexibility to address the unique needs of your organization and its members.

Coaching can include:

  • Strengths Coaching: Continued exploration of strengths with a series of follow-up sessions, allowing for deeper understanding and application of strengths in achieving career and organizational goals.

  • Goal-Specific Coaching Package: Targeted sessions focusing on key organizational objectives, such as leadership development, role transition, or performance improvement.

  • Comprehensive Development Package: An extensive package combining strengths exploration with strategic career pathing, aimed at fostering significant growth and transformation.

 Outcomes for Your Organization:

  • Sustained Growth: Support continuous development and application of strengths in new and evolving organizational contexts.

  • Adaptive Strategies: Ensure that employees evolve in alignment with organizational changes and goals.

  • Enhanced Performance: Leverage ongoing support to exceed performance expectations, utilizing strengths for outstanding results.

1:1 Coaching Packages for On-Going Leadership Development

We initiate our engagement with your organization through a comprehensive strengths assessment and debrief. setting the foundation for targeted career development and fulfillment. This 90-minute personalized session, grounded in the Gallup Top 5 Strengths assessment, offers your team members insights into their unique strengths and how these can be utilized for career progression and organizational benefit.

Key Features:

  • Pre-Session Gallup Top 5 Strengths Assessment: A foundational step providing a detailed overview of each team member's core strengths, readying them for a transformative coaching experience.

  • Personalized Strengths Exploration: Tailored exploration of strengths with our experienced coaches, revealing how individual capabilities can drive career advancement and contribute to your organization's goals.

  • Strategic Career Planning: Development of customized strategies and action plans, focusing on leveraging strengths for climbing the corporate ladder, transitioning roles within the organization, or enhancing leadership skills.

  • Navigating Challenges: Guidance on utilizing strengths to overcome workplace obstacles, ensuring a smoother and more effective career path for your employees.

 Outcomes for Your Organization:

  • Clarity and Confidence: Employees gain a clear understanding of their strengths and how to leverage them, fostering increased performance and confidence in their roles and decision-making processes.

  • Customized Performance Strategy: Development of individualized action plans to achieve both personal growth and organizational objectives.

  • Resilience: Provision of tools and strategies for employees to navigate workplace challenges, reinforcing a culture of adaptability and perseverance.

Cultivate a Community of Thriving Leaders

Group Leadership Coaching for Organizational Excellence

Our Group Leadership Coaching Program is designed to elevate and accelerate the careers of professionals within your organization through enhanced leadership skills. This program combines peer collaboration, expert coaching, and real-world application, creating a supportive environment for leadership development.

Program Highlights for Organizations:

  • Tailored Coaching: Initiating with a personalized StrengthsFinder assessment, this program crafts a customized coaching journey for each participant, focusing on leveraging innate abilities for leadership.

  • Exclusive Sessions and Group Dynamics: Cohorts will be comprised only of members from your organization, allowing sessions to be customized to the skills most important to achieve your organization’s objectives.

  • Practical Application: Through individual coaching and bi-weekly group sessions, employees will explore leadership practices, engage in peer learning, and apply new skills in real-world scenarios.

  • Community and Collaboration: Foster a network of professionals within your organization committed to growth, offering diverse perspectives and support.

Leading with Strengths Workshop: Elevating Team Performance

This engaging workshop is designed for our internal teams to delve into the power of individual strengths, equipping participants with the insights and strategies necessary for boosting efficiency, fostering collaboration, and elevating overall team performance. By adopting the "Leading with Strengths" approach, we aim to enhance leadership skills across the board and drive a positive transformation throughout our organization.


Maximize Team Impact:

Aimed at refining collaboration by leveraging the unique strengths of each team member, this workshop highlights how a strengths-based approach can optimize processes, reduce misunderstandings, and propel our teams towards their goals, fostering a sense of professional freedom and thriving work environment.

Create Synergistic Teams:

Equips team members with the tools and knowledge needed to form highly effective, cohesive groups. By aligning team tasks with individual strengths, we ensure seamless operations and successful goal achievement, paving the way for a professionally fulfilling journey.

Foster Leadership Growth:

 Promotes the professional development of team members by providing them with actionable insights and tools like Gallup Strengths. This workshop serves as a pathway to integrating valuable resources into their professional lives, enhancing their leadership capabilities both within their teams and beyond.


Identifying Team Strengths:

The workshop kicks off with a comprehensive Gallup Top 5 Strengths assessment for each participant, crucial for building a culture that prioritizes strengths within our teams. These insights are the first step towards a thriving, professionally free workplace.

Individual Strengths Consultations:

Following the assessments, team members will engage in one-on-one consultations to dive deeper into their strengths. This personalized approach ensures a detailed understanding of how each individual can best contribute to the team's objectives, enhancing their career journey.

Collaborative Workshop Session:

In the main event, all participants will come together to share and discuss their strengths, fostering a supportive and collaborative atmosphere. Through interactive activities and dialogues, team members will discover how to synergize their strengths, significantly boosting the team's performance and navigating towards collective success.


  • CliftonStrengths Top 5 Assessment for each board member

  • Access to personalized strengths reports and tools in Gallup platform

  • Creation of team in Gallup platform to view all members strengths together

  • 1:1 strength assessment with strengths coach for each board member

  • Facilitation of strengths workshop with team members