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How to Manage Your Nervous System’s Response to Stress: Basic Tools for Regulation

Presented by: Lisa Oliva, Board Certified Polarity Therapy Practitioner & Nervous System Advocate, Polarity Therapy San Diego

Meeting & event planning regularly makes the top 10 list for most stressful jobs. That “stressed out”, overwhelmed, or anxious feeling in your mind and body is triggered by your autonomic nervous system’s physiological response to threat. For better or worse, we all have adapted habits and behaviors that help us regulate our nervous systems. 

During this session we discussed:

• How to gain a basic understanding of how your autonomic nervous system works 

• Increased awareness for tracking activation and settling cycles in your autonomic nervous system 

• Learned accessible regulation tools that support useful responses to stress

Learn more about the presenter:


Lisa Oliva is an advocate for repairing regulation in the nervous system and giving people access to caring for their own internal states. She passionately believes that we heal in the places where we come alive—where authentic movement, circulation, and expression are restored. She holds a safe, compassionate, trauma-informed space that allows people to complete what was interrupted in their growth and development and live more resilient lives. 

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