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PCMA EduCon 2024

Soundings will be attending PCMA EduCon in Detroit! Will we see you there? Meet with Nikki Gonzales, Soundings Chief of Staff during the event. Email to find a time to connect.

Also, join us for the following panel session:

Session: Breaking Down Barriers for Women in Business

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @ 11:15 AM-12:15 PM

Moderated by: Nikki Gonzales, Chief of Staff


  • Candice Beckman, Manager, Industry Engagement & Events, Encore

  • Jordan Lacey, CMP, MBA - Senior Specialist of Events and Experiences, North America, Schnieder Electric

  • Zoe Moore, Strategic EDI Consultant, Moore Consulting Agency

Research conducted by PCMA Foundation and Business Events Sydney revealed a significant gender gap in leadership within the business events industry, despite women constituting approximately 77% of the workforce in business events. The study identified the following barriers women face in business:

Personal Barriers: Women in the business events industry often encounter limiting beliefs, feeling unsupported, and a lack of confidence that hinders their progression into leadership roles.

Organizational Barriers: The industry faces challenges such as inadequate mentorship/sponsorship and a scarcity of learning and development opportunities tailored for women's career advancement.

Social Barriers: Limited networking opportunities further exacerbate the difficulty for women to ascend to leadership positions within the business events sector. During this interactive session, we will discuss the strategies for breaking down barriers and unlocking the potential to advance women into leadership roles.

June 20

June New Member Orientation

July 11

July 2024 New Member Orientation