Reskill + Revive: The New Level of Engagement - How Do You Make Meaningful Connections?

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Join Connie Cay-Santos, Curator of Strategic Partnerships at Engamio and Chief Experience Experience Strategist at CAYVII, an interactive, open conversation about leveling up engagement in the event industry.

Connie will share her unique perspective on the need to focus more on authenticity when building your personal and professional brand while growing a network of professionals within your community.

“We are human first, and when we make a new connection, we need to be intentional and have a purpose in why we connect with individuals and communities.” - Connie

Connie Cay-Santos

Connie Cay-Santos has over 14 years of corporate management experience and has thrived in start-up entrepreneurial environments. She is a curator of strategic partnerships, building trust through a human-centric approach, operational excellence, and creative experience design solutions. As the head of strategic partnerships at Engamio, Connie manages the relationships she establishes with many brand partners in the B2B portfolio and the B2C direct client success relations.

Her approach is personable, and there is a foundational "Credit of Trust" that she builds first, which brings her relationships to a new level of engagement. These heightened relationships are the motivational drive that makes her connections more meaningful and beyond her current role and title. 


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