Howard Cleveland

Executive Coach, Co-Founder

PeopleCap Advisors

I am a certified leadership coach, ICF member, and have over 20 years of experience helping leaders understand and unlock the strengths of themselves, their people, and their organizations. My goal is to help clients find clarity and a clear path forward so they can pursue their goals with confidence. 

As a coach, I serve as an experienced thought partner and confidential sounding board for complex issues. I help leaders develop clarity of purpose and direction, self-awareness of their strengths and limiting beliefs and behaviors, and a clear path forward aligned with their personal and professional goals and values.    

If you want to grow as a professional and are running into challenges - or feel completely stuck and unable to gain traction - let’s talk. 

Many of my clients are: 

  • Going through significant personal or professional transitions 

  • In complex, fast-changing situations 

  • Struggling to meet the current needs and expectations of their position 

  • Stuck and spending more time thinking and researching than taking action 

  • Lack internal fire because they don’t have a clear vision or values 

  • Not sure of their strengths, their story, or the unique value they add 

  • Having difficulty inspiring and motivating their teams 

  • Dealing with a lot of uncertainty and need clarity 

  • Not comfortable holding their team accountable and having candid conversations 


Howard’s Topics of Expertise


Heather Black Cosgrave


Jason Lum