Converting a Contracted Position Into a Full-time Hire

How we converted a contracted position into a full-time hire for a customer’s growing needs.  


A global event association management company needed registration support but were unsure if it was a great enough need for a full-time employee. They were therefore hesitant to commit to the cost and time of recruitment and onboarding. 

Our solution

We got to know both the client’s needs and work culture to identify the expertise and soft skills best suited for the role. We chose a freelance Registration Specialist that had the experience, work style, and personality we felt most aligned with the company. When the contract ended, it was clear that the freelancer was the right culture fit and the organization determined they could leverage the position full time. The talent is now the client’s full-time Registration Specialist.  

The result

The client was able to do a trial run with our vetted talent to make sure it was the right fit for their team culture and needs before making a full-time hire. 

See how talent with the expertise and culture fit you need can transform your organization.  


Leveraging Transferrable Skills


Accelerating a Freelancer’s Career