Hotel & Destination Sourcing Specialist
What a Hotel & Destination Specialist does:
A Hotel & Destination Sourcing Specialist will provide comprehensive management of your events site selection needs. From the initial RFP process, through the hotel negotiations and contract review, your sourcing specialist will act as a liaison throughout contract completion and turnover. With extensive knowledge regarding hotel sourcing and procurement, a Sourcing Specialist will provide destination options and solutions that lead to unforgettable programs and events.
In addition, a Hotel & Destination Sourcing Specialist can help you conceptualize and customize your next business incentive program. Strategic and tailor-made trips lead to performance improvements and increased brand loyalty. Finally, Sourcing Specialists can assist with strategic sourcing programs. A strategic approach to meeting supply management can help formalize the way information is gathered and used by your organization. In turn, your company will gain a comprehensive analysis of its purchasing power and spending.
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